Recording: New Year, New Market, New Clients

Welcome to #SoldOutChat! This month, we discussed the start of a new year, new markets, and new clients.

Join us to learn how to maximize your business growth this year with strategies and tips from experts during a recession. We’ll discuss the importance of setting goals, marketing to new customers, and more! In this discussion, Ebony Vaz, CEO of Above Promotions, shared her insights from a marketer’s point of view, and we have a special guest, Joel Sylvain, who shares his insight from a financial advisor’s point of view.

Listen to the recording and find out how you can stay ahead of the competition during a recession.

Main Takeaways
  • What is a recession, and what causes it?
  • How to adjust marketing and business operations strategies to remain competitive and open for business
  • Type of customers you should be targeting to maximize sales
  • Cost-effective marketing strategies

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February Topic: Building a Culture of Customer Privacy and Company Security

March Topic: Locating Your New Clients with Today’s Marketing Tech

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