Crisis Communication Before, During, and After Cybersecurity Incidents

Blue graphic with images of locks and the text Above Promotions CYBER CRISIS MANAGEMENT 2022

Cyber attacks are imminent, and what you do for crisis communication before, during, and after cybersecurity incidents will either help save your business or kill it. 

Unfortunately, many companies are unprepared for crisis communication leading to 38% lost business through customer turnover and lost revenue due to downtime.

Why Companies Struggle With Crisis Communication

Companies are too busy safeguarding their internal data to worry about crisis communication when cyber security attacks occur. 

Even when the company has a dedicated internal comms team, the attack could also affect them. 

As a result, their communications become reactionary, disjointed, and sometimes non-existent.

How to Handle Crisis Communication Before, During, and After Cybersecurity Incidents

Some organizations claim their cyber security infrastructure is impenetrable (until it is not). 

Forward-thinking organizations know that cyber security incidents are a matter of when, not if, as it is one of the fastest-growing crimes in the U.S. Even more worrisome is that these crimes are increasing in sophistication and cost. 

So organizations that win the war do so with a strategy and execution. 

The strategy is preparedness. 

Before any cyber security incident occurs, you need to know how exposed your brand will be when it does happen, how to communicate to customers and other stakeholders during the crisis, and what your brand must do after recovering from the incident.

One thing to take away is that:

The cost of preparation is almost insignificant compared to being caught unprepared. 

It all comes down to deploying effective cyber crisis communication before, during, and after cybersecurity incidents

Contact us to help your organization become cyber crisis ready. 

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