Pitfalls To Avoid When Selecting Your Marketing Technology Tools
Many different considerations need to be discussed when selecting the right marketing technology tools for your business. Factors such as a company’s size, budget, type of content, data you will generate and analyze, and the customer’s and internal team’s interaction with the content and data. These factors should all be considered before making a decision.
Understanding these considerations will allow you to select the best marketing technology platforms that suit the needs of your organization, company, or enterprise.
Four things to consider when selecting your marketing technology tools:
The first consideration is what type of software your company needs and how much funding you have available.
There are many options when it comes to the software you choose for your business. With so many choices available, the first step is determining your company’s needs and how much funding you have available. The more money you can invest, the more you will be able to integrate into various platforms. If you’re a startup or growing business, there are some great free or low-cost options that will quickly get you off the ground without breaking the bank. These include open-source solutions, paid software, and freeware. In addition to hard upfront costs, you also have to consider the soft costs of planning for software research and implementation, which can take a lot of time and resources.
The second consideration is how much control you want over your content and data being created and analyzed.
When you use any software, the data being created is stored on your computer or in the cloud and accessed by hackers. In some cases, storing data on internal servers may mean the data takes longer to access from remote offices or could be inaccessible during internal outages. There are times when you may run into the same issue when working with software that sits on external servers that are unreachable due to outages. In some cases, finding software that gives you the freedom to control how you access or create content and how you can share it and whether it is completed internally or externally or both is the answer.
The third consideration is if you need software to be integrated with other systems or if it should be stand-alone.
With the modern workforce being so mobile, it is essential to find a nimble option. The frequency of use of any given platform is also a key factor to consider when deciding on the best software for your company. For example, suppose an online retailer wants to offer customer service 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They should select an integrated software with a user-friendly interface on popular devices and can be accessed anywhere by customers and the internal team members.
The fourth and most important consideration when evaluating software is the customer journey and how the software helps to improve it.
The customer journey is the most critical consideration when evaluating software. The customer’s experience and the ease of use of the software are both vital factors to consider. Software should be intuitive and easy to use. When considering this, it is essential to evaluate whether the software can help customers reach their goals as efficiently as possible. Software is getting smarter every day. The latest software can do anything from lightening the workload of tasks to helping with decision-making. Pick your software based on how it will help you serve your customers.
There are a few other pitfalls to avoid when selecting tools, such as good cybersecurity, access to data, and more.
It’s crucial to consider all these factors before deciding on what type of tool will best suit your company’s needs.
Ending Thoughts – Why you should evaluate the marketing technology you are using now
Marketers who are not aware of new marketing technologies will lose the competitive edge in the future.
Marketing technology has undergone a lot of changes over the years. Now, it is time to evaluate those marketing technology tools you are currently using and determine if they would work well for your business and future goals.
Contact us today to discuss your current marketing technology strategy.